Are there things that you look back upon and think: "I never do that anymore.."?
Lately, that for me, has been painting. It was something that I took throughout my studio years in school, but never really focused on. Finding myself really wanting to reconnect with that aspect of my art. It's a shame that in life you sometimes lose touch with doing certain things that make you happy and feed your creativity. I think that's just life though. There's so much to worry about; to figure out and to keep track of on a daily basis. Jobs, bills, family; even just keeping track and maintaining yourself. Finding the time to focus on the "outlets" to your soul, kind of take a back burner to it all. When in reality, they should be the focus. Even working them in just a little at a time. They are the spots in our life that should never be pushed to the side. Truly important facets!
Take the time to paint! To read a book, plant some flowers, start a journal, redesign a room in your house. Something that you love to do. A part of you that really makes, but that you maybe don't take the time to explore on a daily basis. It's so important to have a passion for something that you love to do. I know that you know's just good to hear! Building your life around that passion is something that we can all ever hope to achieve.
Even if your life isn't built around your true passion - there will always be a little portion of time in your crazy life to enjoy it!
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