Thursday, November 21, 2013

That's's already November!

I say "it's already November" it's the first of the month. Earth to Chelsea, there's a little over a week left in it! However, since I'm Sporadic Post-er of the Year, it makes me feel a little better to act as though it's 'already' here. Keeps me feeling as though I'm a little closer to my last post!

In keeping true to the word 'already', November has, yes...already come, and almost gone!
In trying to simplify my life, and especially my work, for some time now -- my focus lately has shifted to primarily being on my writing.
That's's what I do!
Sometimes allll day long. But, I love, the focus has been a reward. And much needed clarity!

Not much in this post needs too detailed of a description, but I'll go ahead and give a little play by play here and there!

Invitations and addressed envelopes for a casual country wedding in the beginning of 2014.

Just a little Thank You!..

Seating chart done on old windows -
2 windows, 6 panes on each, 24 tables, and 260 guests later!

Figuring out things is never easy, but staying true to what you love, who you are, and the gifts that you've been blessed with, is truly the only way to direct your way on through it.
So always remember to do just that!

With the busiest time of the year right around the corner, take time for yourself! Remember to focus on the most important things in your life and never forget to be grateful for them.
Above all, enjoy time and the little moments...don't let them pass you by!

Promise I'll write soon.
Chelsea Renee

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