Yes,, is right!
My posting-lameness comes as noo surprise, but this post shouldn't either. The season has come and gone - and what a whirlwind it was. No...not summer, although yes, that has come to an end and helloooo Fall - naturally, I speak of: 'Name Tag Season'. Yes, I have officially created a season for it! With all of it's glittery paper, pristine little bows and embellished-jeweled splendor, it is...a season.
I'm attaching just a few of the pictures from a couple of different batches - I won't overwhelm you with the complete overhaul.
...I'll just dip your little sunburnt, 'ready-for-fall' toes in some of the fun!
...tada!! Name Tag Season. At it's finest!
I leave you with this:
Hopefully a little inspiration to always keep faith in the things that you truly love and believe in; this week and more importantly...always. A reminder to be happy each and every day; above all, to be thankful for all of the blessings in your life.
Make this week an amazing one.